Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 16 - Shred [ Day 31 W ]

Finally made it back to the routine - I finished a month, so here's to finishing the rest of both workouts.. no more problems!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Workout fail: disappointed

I was getting into the workout when suddenly my heart started freaking out - irregular heartbeat and palpitations and it wasn't even strenuous exercise YET. So, I stopped to use some breathing techniques to help it back to its normal rhythm. I was looking forward to it, but i'd rather not push myself just in case it's something serious. I plan on getting vitamins that include Iron, possibly tomorrow.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I've been away for a few, huh.

Busy busy weekend with the county caucus [ my candidate racked up the most delegates in my county and in another big county and he WILL be carrying my state for a win ]. Sunday I went and saw Hunger Games with my friend, Jami, it was fantastic! Even though I have not made it to the book itself yet, I was thoroughly impressed. What a refreshing storyline and leading lady. I'm currently taking it easy with politics and am on the 4th book of the Harry Potter series and enjoying it.

I deep-cleaned my apartment today after feeling pretty frustrated with a number of things. I sort of just stressed myself out for no reason . .just one thing on top of another.

I'm headed back to 30 Day Shred tomorrow, no break until 3 weeks from now, bwahaha, but seriously.. Tomorrow I'm picking it back up and snuggling myself back into the routine.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 15 - KB&T [ Day 30 W ]

Almost done with a months worth of working out. My thighs and butt depress me so much though, ugh, I know significant change doesn't happen within the first month, well sometimes it does with really obese people because they have more to lose . .kind of like when you're the skinny girl who's preggers for the first time and you end up gaining like 50+lbs and then the fat woman pregnant at the same time brags about her only gaining a lb or even losing weight. SERIOUSLY, it takes some time for those already in their healthy weight range to tone and firm up because everything slows down and the results aren't as dramatic.

Just gotta keep reminding myself.

Today I was not in the mindset of working out at all. I had my break yesterday..

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 15 - Shred [ Day 29 W ]

Great day, feeling great, exercise kicked my bum and that's all that matters, yeah?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 14 - KB&T [ Day 28 W ]

Today was fantastic and I used some anger/frustration which helped me workout even harder.

I actually got through almost ALL of the exercises without pausing, awesome.

I keep having fat and skinny days. When I workout I feel skinnier of course, but morning rolls around and my bum and thighs look huge to me again. Not so awesome. :[

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 14 - Shred [ Day 27 W ]

I felt as if I am getting better at doing the exercises FULLY and without having to stop! Progress, hurray! I feel great and I'm so glad I've stuck to my routine. :]

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Measurements [ Week 2 ]

I'll post my Week 1 measurements and Week 2 and so on to compare. I actually started measurements a week after I had started working out, but better late than never, right? And I decided to cut out bust . .because I have a small bust, so no reason to measure anything there. Cheap shot at myself, haha.

Week 1 -

Hips: 35 1/2

Waist: 30 1/2

Thighs: Both 22 1/2

Upper Arms: Both 9 3/4

Bum: 40 

Week 2 -

Hips: 35 1/2 [ No change, widest part of my body, I really don't except much change there ]

Waist: 29 1/2

Thighs: 22 each

Upper Arms: 10 1/2 each

Bum: 39 1/2

Day 13 - KB&T [ Day 26 W ]

Phew, I've almost been working out for a full month! Craziness!

I love the accomplished feeling you get after powering through these workouts. Jillian Michaels, you're awesome, thank you for putting together these videos! I've never worked out so hard - well since Basic Training, bwahaha. :]

I'll be putting up measurements later.

Day 13 - Shred [ Day 25 W ]

I forgot to post yesterday, but I did workout. :]

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 12 - KB&T [ Day 24 W ]

Another sweat drenching workout! I feel fantastic, yet again. I had to take short breaks with a couple of the exercises, but not many, so that is an improvement to me. Those starbursts KILL me! But, they are seriously awesome. I love this level because I feel like I'm actually working out hardcore because I have to find inner strength to keep going.

I can't wait for the Shred tomorrow, it's like a break compared to KB&T's!

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First rest day!

So Ben pretty much convinced me to take a day off after I was chit-chatting with some of my friends about taking some time off to let your muscles rest. I guess I'm just afraid that I'll have a hard time starting back up, but I don't feel that way, so good to go? I was adamant about working out every day since the workouts were so short, time-wise, and the notion that I may give up if I don't. I have enough motivation to stick with it though. I'm sick of being a 24, almost 25, year old who's afraid to wear shorts, nice dresses, or even bathing suits.

So.. see you tomorrow, Killer Buns and Thighs? :]

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 12 - The Shred [ Day 23 W ]

Today was awesome. I got real angry like to push through some of the exercises. I feel like I'm doing good, but can do better. I still have to stop to take a small break and then continue to do the exercises, but I am pushing through! I even did 10 push-ups at the end, because I was feeling like a beast. My ankles aren't bothering me. . so HURRAAAY. Today is the start of Ben's spring break, so we'll see how motivated I feel with him being home ..I usually wanna goof off and not pay attention, but I'll just send him away. :]

Have a great Wednesday! America's Next Top Model is on tonight.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 11 - KB&T [ Day 22 W ]

This is seriously the first workout in years that has made me workup such a sweat that I am covered from head-to-toe. Gross, right? But, I feel FANTASTIC! My ankles did not give me such a hard time today and I may just continue to 'rice' them, [ ahdsxuhdkhabsfk ] in the meantime. I have been forewarned that JM's workout vid level 2's are always the hardest and I guess that makes much sense . .since you are being introduced in the level 1's, getting change in level 2's, and sort of finishing it off in level 3's.

I'm pumped and I have lots more energy because of this workout. My legs will probably be killing me tomorrow, but BRING IT ON.

Have a great day!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 11 - The Shred [ Day 21 W ]

Oh boy - do I have a week to look forward to, bwahaha. It's Spring break this week and part of next, so that's good news! No homework, and my husband has a Spring break from the Academy AND it's supposed to be in the 70's practically all week, that cray.

Level 2 is a step up, definitely, I was sweating so I felt more accomplished with myself, but my ankles are KILLING me. My husband suggest I give it a rest, but I'll just use the rice n sock method for now . .I really don't feel like giving it a rest, just complaining of course. Ew. gross, my scalp is sweating! Haha. I didn't do all of the exercises fully, but I will work my way up to that level before I know it. Motivate Motivate!

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 10 - KB&T [ Day 20 W ]

This was the last day of KB&T level 1 and I sneak peeked at level 2 and I am so intimidated. I am going to be so sore this week. My only main concern is my ankles, I need to be extra nice to them so I don't develop an injury that will hinder me working out every day since these workouts are so short.

Tomorrow is Level 2 of The Shred! Dundundun... I'm excited/nervous, but looking forward to something new.

Have a great day.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 10 - Shred [ Day 19 W ]

Today was the last day of Level 1 of the Shred, awesome. I sneak peaked at Level 2, and boy it looks tough, but I am excited to start a new routine. I did 22 push-ups on my last day of level 1, super proud moment. The last time I even came close to 22 push-ups was in the military.

My ankles are still bothering me, but I must rice pack and press on. Tomorrow is my last day of Level 1 on KB&T's . .and I'm sure I'll be super sore this coming week, wompwompwomp.

Have a great day!

ps; I weighed myself this morning and i'm at 135lbs

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 9 - KB&T [ Day 18 W ]

I am so grossed out by the saddle bags on the upper sides of my thighs, raaah, that make me angry when I work out, so I push harder, haha. Whatever motivates me, right? I was looking for answers on why we gain weight there and what exercises are best. .and apparently it's most prominent in women who have more estrogen influence in their body, just another reason to say FU to the female body. SIGH

I tried Sarah's suggestion about the rice in a sock, heated, and on the ankles . .and it helped, so thank you my darling!

Tomorrow will be last day of Level 1 on The Shred, super exciting!

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Measurements [ Week 1 ]

Bust: 34 3/4

Hips: 35 1/2

Waist: 30 1/2

Thighs: Both 22 1/2

Upper Arms: Both 9 3/4

Bum: 40

Day 9 - Shred [ Day 17 W ]

Today was 30 Day Shred. My ankles have been bothering me lately and I freaking hate it. They always have bothered me, well ever since the military, I just have weak joints it seems .. and they crack often and they're so sore, both my ankles and wrists. Surprisingly my wrists are A-OK though, I'm glad that I can do normal push-ups again and feel strong about it. I did 5lbers on all exercises but side lunges and anterior raises and lunges with the biceps curls, but I'm making my way.

This Saturday is my last level on level 1 of the Shred. Woohoo. I need to pick up a tape measurer!

Have a great day. :]

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 8 - KB&T [ Day 16 W ]

I did great today. I even used some hand weights during some of the workouts, bwahaha, even if they are only 3lbers. I was seriously motivated today, so I actually did all the exercises RIGHT and with fierceness. My bum and my legs hurt already. Good news, I've been seeing changes in my thighs/waist area. My love handles are not as big and the space between my bum and back thigh isn't as creased with fat, hahaha. But, I have lost no weight, I think I've actually gained like a lb . .I know muscle weighs more than fat, BUT COME ON. I hope the next levels will pump up the cardio and burn this fatty fatness off.

Good day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 8 - Shred [ Day 15 W ]

I made it! I made it past two weeks, holybazoonga. I'm so proud of myself for not giving up and [drumroll] I did my first 15 PUSHUPS IN A ROW, plus three more the next round. I feel so pumped! And I started using 5lb hand weights for some of the exercises. For example, I  used 5lbers for the first set of squat and presses and it felt awesome = it burned like a mutha. I did 5lbers for both sets of the bent over dumbbell rows and both sets for the chest flies. Wahoo. I'ma movin on up - I'll try and use weights for Killer B's and T's tomorrow!

Have a great day! It's 70 and BLUSTERY as The Windy City here. :[

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 7 - KB&T [ Day 14 W ]

Day 14! Whew! I made it, haha. I'm so proud of myself for pushing through and keeping up. I think I finished my first wind and am on my second wind of enjoying working out. We'll see how long it lasts before I become severely demotivated again, or maybe I can keep it up! Pinterest is an excellent way to keep yourself really motivated of course. I haven't seen any significant decrease in weight or anything, but I'm going to keep going because significant change definitely does not happen in just two weeks.

I was 110lbs or less when I went into Basic Training and it took me a little over two months to get into tip-top shape, the best in my life, actually. But, then again I didn't have ANY fat on my body whatsoever, so it was like a blank canvas . .now that I have post-preggers body, it's a bit more difficult. PLUS, I wasn't eating fatty cakes, bwahaha, so I have given them up until May . .when I have to take a break since we'll be moving to another state, like 16 hours away.

I did Killer Buns and Thighs today, it felt great.

Have a great day and stay safe. :]

ps: I got this from Pinterest and one of my 'friends' said it really does work. She tried it and lost close to 5lbs.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 6 - KB&T and Day 7 - Shred [ Day 12 & 13 W ]

I forgot to post yesterdays workout, but I DID do it, half-heartidly, but still DONE! It was Killer Buns and Thighs by the way. I seriously feel super lazy and zapped of all energy this weekend and just want to sleepsleepsleep. Must be the normal effects of being a woman around THAT time of the month, since I had my Mirena taken out, wompwomp.

Today I did the Shred and it sorta kicked my butt still, but I'm glad because I don't feel fully prepared to head to level two quite yet! I've massively improved on my push-ups and anterior raises with a side lunge. :]

I had a fantastic weekend and I hope you all did too. Next weekend I start level two on BOTH exercises, so LOOKING FORWARD TO IT, lol. I still weigh between 136-138 . .I'm hoping when I start level 2 on both that i'll see some sort of decrease in my weight or just muscle/sculpting at least.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 6 - Shred [ Day 11 W ]

I've noticed that I can do more push-ups easily and I can do more close hand push-ups that wide-arm, thankfully. I feel so macho doing close-hand push-ups, haha. My endurance has also improved. I'm sure once I start level 2 of each workout video, it'll end up kicking my confidence down a couple of notches, but eventually i'll be able to breathe easy through them just how I have grown used to these workouts. Except . .for high-knees, those kill my breathing.

Anyways, noticing small improvements is always encouraging.

Have a great Friday! It's the weekend, HURRAY.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 5 - KB&T [ Day 10 W ]

Today was almost NOT happening. I had no desire to workout at all, but I took a short choppy nap and when I woke up I turned the darn XBOX on to start the workout. At first I had a little trouble 'getting into it', but I eventually warmed myself up and pushed through it. I just feel super tired and have decided that I need to start waking up early [ like 7 or 6:45 ] to get some much needed homework DONE.

I feel good about pushing myself through it, but my sleepiness is kicking my arse today.

Have a fantabulous day!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 5 - Shred [ Day 9 W ]

Today was 30 Day Shred. I took 3 hours out of my morning to make my monthly bulk grocery list . .UGH. It's getting old and I do not look forward to going alone .. well with Olive, but she's not going to be able to carry groceries up and down the stairs, Haha.

Today felt like a really simple workout, which I'm grateful for because I have to get dressed and go shopping, plus start on some homework! I am so behind in Philosophy and I need need to start my Interpersonal Comm chapter. I wish there were two of me!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 4 - KB&T [ Day 8 W ]

Today is such a gloomy day, but it feels beautiful outside, minus the scattered rain showers.

I made some fresh mild salsa right before I worked out and my hands wreak of lime . .blech . .it was nice at first, but not while working out. I also think I should have added HALF of what it called for in sugar . .I tasted it and it tasted a little too sweet for my liking, what a waste. :[ I guess we'll see in 2 hours after it's done cooling off and marinating all those flavors together.

Today was Killer Buns and Thighs, and let me tell you, I almost talked myself into NOT doing it today because my apartment is somehow a mess again . .I think I was looking for something and while I was looking Olive, my daughter, started tearing the usual apart. Never ending cleaning, I swear it. I feel great after my workout today, per usual, and am even thinking about signing up for one of those run/obstacle courses in March. The registration is out the bum though . .we'll see, we're tight on money because of the move coming up.

Have a great Tuesday! ( It's Tuesday, right? )

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 4 - Shred [ Day 7 W ]

Boo for cold season! Just as the season is changing of course I catch a cold . .From my husband, no doubt, since he's the only one who's out in public every single day and in a classroom setting. Oh, well, the show must go on or I will probably give up and not pick my workout routine up for months later, so no excuses.

I remember a saying my friend and I used a lot, "You tell your body what to do, it doesn't tell you." Lol, so I know in some cases your body DOES tell you what to do, but it is motivational at least. I did the 30 Day Shred today and I am loving the feeling I get of doing these exercises FULLY WITHOUT stopping, awesomeness. Since my friend Sarah said she pumped out 7 good push-ups that really motivated me to try harder and I got to 7 good one's went down to assisted push ups and then the next round I did 4 more good ones. Thanks, Sarah. ;]

Now, I'm off to do some Philosophy homework [ I really need to ], finish cleaning the apartment, and shower my stank self. Have a great Monday.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 3 - KB&T [ Day 6 W ]

Killer Buns and Thighs today! It was probably the most intense workout yet. I am SWEATYYY, grossss. Those High Knees are killer and so are the Mountain Climbers. I usually get super motivated by these workouts and try to pump out as much as possible during the last 5 seconds. I'm not seeing any difference in weight or inches as of yet, but it's only been 6 days, hurrdurr.

I woke up with a sore throat today and I really hope I'm not getting sick . .I haven't gotten sick since the beginning of Winter and want to keep it that way, of course. I need to go pick up some Emergen-C. :]

Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 3 - Shred [ Day 5 W ]

My hips, shoulder blades, and armpits hurt. ARMPITS YOU SAY? Yes, tis true. Today was 30 Day Shred and it was better this time around. I can still only do about 5 good push-ups, but the important thing is I have confidence in myself to do more! The side lunges with arm raises hurt just a tad, so I had to quickly shake my arms out and couple of times and resume.

This would be Day 3 of 30 Day Shred and I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it. I'm excited because we get to go out and eat somewhere tonight. We originally decided on Culver's [because we've never tried it] but now I have a change of heart and want to visit my favorite Mexican restaurant.

Have a great Saturday!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 2 - KB&T [ Day 4 W ]

Today started out great! Until, I got online and found one debate that I felt I needed to interject myself in and give out information. DARNIT! Always with the debates! I always get caught up in one AT LEAST ONCE a day, especially with the Presidential Election creeping up on us . .well the GOP election first, which I am actively engaged in, so it's a little hard for me to just 'back away' when someone is slandering my candidate of choice. Which, is practically impossible.

Olive woke up and I realized that I hadn't finished my workout yet.. So I finished it to the best of my ability with Olive awake wreaking havoc all over the apartment, including dumping a plant we have. I guess I learned my lesson! Priorities first!

So I finished Killer Buns and Thighs today and I WILL do my workout while Olive is napping tomorrow! Without interruption, because I do have self-restraint! And I will attempt to avoid interjecting into any debates for the next two weeks. :[

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2 - Shred [ Day 3 W ]

30 Day Shred today - It was a good workout, plus I needed to vent some good frustration, so even better! I can probably do 5 good push-ups, lol, if I REALLY try. :[ I used to be able to do 30 good push-ups. Booo. I'll get back there though. Today, just hydration, taking Olive[ my 18 year old daughter ] outside on this beautiful day, and cooking some Lasagna for dinner, nomnomnomnom.

A gip tip: Drink 3 cups of green tea a day and try to cut back on sugar. I've actually cut all sugars out of my green tea, which is nice. It also helps boost your metabolism. :]

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 1 - KB&T [ Day 2 W ]

Great workout today! I felt great while doing it, well pain equals great, so yeah. It takes a lot for me to sweat, seriously. I would go on 4 mile runs and never sweat! This workout reminded me that I need to drink more water and I need a good sports bra, haha. So any recommendations would be appreciated by the ladies.

I did Killer Buns and Thighs today, by the way, just that. I'm going to flip-flop them every other day so I get both workouts. I should start level 2 on both workouts mid next month! I'm so excited. I need to get toned before Ben's graduation and before we move to North Carolina! So that is also a good motivator, goals.

Here are some ways to motivate yourself -

-Being attractive. That’s always a good motivator, as I’m sure we all know.

-Stress relief. Wound up after a long day at the office? Get out and work off that stress. It makes a world of difference.

-The dread of feeling “yuck” from not exercising. I hate how I feel after not exercising. So I remind myself of that when I feel tired. -Living long enough to see your grandkids … and play with them.

-Reaching a goal. Set a goal for weight, or your waist measurement, or a number of days to work out, or a number of miles to run this week. Setting and tracking a goal helps motivate you to complete that goal. Make it easily achievable.

-An upcoming day at the beach, or a reunion. Nuff said.

-Cover models. Sure, they’re genetically freaky, and probably Photoshopped to look perfect. But for some reason, looking at how good a cover model looks helps motivate me to work harder.

-How you’re going to look. Imagine a slimmer, fitter you. Now let that visualization drive you.

-Time for you. While many people make time to take care of others (kids, spouse, other family, co-workers, boss), they don’t often make time to take care of themselves. Instead, make your “you” time a priority, and don’t miss that exercise appointment.

-How you feel after a workout. I always feel great after a good workout. It’s a high. And I let that motivate me the next time: “You know how good you’re going to feel, Leo!”

 I got these from - and picked out my favorites. :]

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 1 - Shred [ Day 1 W ]

I was having some motivational issues so I simply looked up fitness motivation or workout motivation and that pretty much triggered me to get off my bum. I don't have a measuring tape to keep track of my measurements, but I know I'll feel and see and difference eventually and that's enough I suppose, because I really don't want to run out and buy one. Bwahaha.

For the longest time I was using 5 lbers and finally decided to downgrade to 3 lbers. SO much better! I feel like I can actually improve myself throughout the workout routine and maybe on my second go of 30 Day Shred, use the 5 lbers. Tomorrow I'll be doing my 30 Day Shred along with Killer buns and thigh, an attempt I guess .. To see if I'd rather do both in one day every other day or maybe just do one workout each day and switch off. I like to try and challenge myself, even though I know BY THIS TIME TOMORROW, i'll be like . .eff that.

Some Goals:

-To get back down to a size 5 jean. I'm currently an 7-8 in stretchy jean material.

-To be be able to wear a ONE piece at least - so that requires my bum and thighs to be more toned and shaped and eventually, as soon as my stretched out preggers belly skin and abnormal belly button gets back into a normal shape . .eventually.. maybe.. back to enjoying a two piece.

-125-130lbs and toned

-Most of all, just get my bum and thighs in shape and feel sexy again.