Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 11 - KB&T [ Day 22 W ]

This is seriously the first workout in years that has made me workup such a sweat that I am covered from head-to-toe. Gross, right? But, I feel FANTASTIC! My ankles did not give me such a hard time today and I may just continue to 'rice' them, [ ahdsxuhdkhabsfk ] in the meantime. I have been forewarned that JM's workout vid level 2's are always the hardest and I guess that makes much sense . .since you are being introduced in the level 1's, getting change in level 2's, and sort of finishing it off in level 3's.

I'm pumped and I have lots more energy because of this workout. My legs will probably be killing me tomorrow, but BRING IT ON.

Have a great day!

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