Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 9 - Shred [ Day 17 W ]

Today was 30 Day Shred. My ankles have been bothering me lately and I freaking hate it. They always have bothered me, well ever since the military, I just have weak joints it seems .. and they crack often and they're so sore, both my ankles and wrists. Surprisingly my wrists are A-OK though, I'm glad that I can do normal push-ups again and feel strong about it. I did 5lbers on all exercises but side lunges and anterior raises and lunges with the biceps curls, but I'm making my way.

This Saturday is my last level on level 1 of the Shred. Woohoo. I need to pick up a tape measurer!

Have a great day. :]

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Nick has problems with his ankles and knees - he just got x-rays done. His dr recommended some type of exercise (I can't remember) and this is going to sound silly, but instead of doing a heating pad...fill a sock with rice and heat it up in the microwave - put those on your ankles every night.
