Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 6 - KB&T and Day 7 - Shred [ Day 12 & 13 W ]

I forgot to post yesterdays workout, but I DID do it, half-heartidly, but still DONE! It was Killer Buns and Thighs by the way. I seriously feel super lazy and zapped of all energy this weekend and just want to sleepsleepsleep. Must be the normal effects of being a woman around THAT time of the month, since I had my Mirena taken out, wompwomp.

Today I did the Shred and it sorta kicked my butt still, but I'm glad because I don't feel fully prepared to head to level two quite yet! I've massively improved on my push-ups and anterior raises with a side lunge. :]

I had a fantastic weekend and I hope you all did too. Next weekend I start level two on BOTH exercises, so LOOKING FORWARD TO IT, lol. I still weigh between 136-138 . .I'm hoping when I start level 2 on both that i'll see some sort of decrease in my weight or just muscle/sculpting at least.

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